
Python version

Malloovia requires Python (at least version 3.6) to work. If you don’t have Python installed, or have a different version an easy way to get python 3.6+ for different platforms is to install anaconda or miniconda.

Ensure that you have the correct version:

$ python --version
Python 3.6.1 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.

Although the message after the :: can be different in your system, the version should be at least 3.6.1. If you get 2.7.* instead, try again using python3 command instead of python. In the remaining of this section we will write python, but you have to write python3 if your system defaults to version 2.7.

Virtual environment

It is highly recommended that you create a virtual environment to install any python package, so that it does not interfere with other preinstalled packages or python versions.

Although there are several ways to achieve this, Python 3 comes with its own virtual environment manager, and thus it is the only way we will document here. Refer to conda virtual environments, if you prefer to use the virtual environment manager which comes with Anaconda, or to virtualenv documentation if you prefer to use the virtualenv command.

Using only python, you create a virtual environment by typing (unix based platforms):

$ python -m venv ~/myenvs/malloovia

Or, in windows with the standard command line (PowerShell would require modifications not explained here):

C:\> python -m venv %USERPROFILE%\myenvs\malloovia

This will create the folder myenvs/malloovia in the home folder, with a private copy of Python and other tools (like pip) required to install packages locally into that folder.

To use that installation of python instead of the global one, you have to “activate” the environment. That consists in executing a script called activate located in that folder.

In unix based platforms (Linux or OSX), type:

$ source ~/myenvs/malloovia/bin/activate

In Windows:

C:\> %USERPROFILE%\myenvs\malloovia\Scripts\activate

This will modify the PATH to use that environment (and it will change your prompt as a reminder). From now on, all packages installed with pip will be installed in. ~/myenvs/malloovia/ and do not interfere with your global python installation. If you want to leave the environment and return to your global installation, use (both Unix and Windows):

$ deactivate

Also remember that the environment is active only while you don’t close the terminal. You have to activate the environment for each terminal you open.

Malloovia package

To install malloovia in the virtual environment, if it is active (both Unix and Windows):

(malloovia)$ pip install malloovia

This will also install other packages that are required by Malloovia.

Linear programming solver

Malloovia uses PuLP as Linear Programming modeling language and as interface to several solvers. It is a python library which is installed as part of the installation above. PuLP allows the creation of files describing the problem (using .lp or .mps formats) from Python, and provides a consistent interface with different solvers, but it is not itself a solver.

Although PuLP includes a binary executable with cbc solver, which is used by default if no other solver is specified, in order to gain more flexibility in the number of options which can be passed to the solver, a working installation of COIN-OR cbc solver is needed.

In debian based distributions of Linux (e.g.: ubuntu) it is easy to get:

$ sudo apt-get install coinor-cbc

For windows, or other platforms, refer to the Download and install instructions in COIN-OR site.

Source code

The source code of Malloovia is available on Github, as well as the tests and the source of this documentation. You don’t need it unless you are interested in contributing.