
This section shows how to specify an example problem, how to solve it and how to inspect the solution, using Malloovia’s API. The same can be done without writing any python code, by using the YAML specification of the problem and Malloovia’s command-line interface.

It is assumed that from malloovia import * was done before the code examples. Next to each snippet of python code, the YAML equivalent form is shown (collapsed by default).

System specification

The specification of the system is the description of the cloud infrastructure in which the applications will run and the performance of these applications on the given infrastructure.


The data about the cloud infrastructure is stored in different entities:

  • LimitingSet defines some constraints imposed by the cloud provider about the maximum number of virtual machines or cores which can be running in a region or availability zone.
  • InstanceClass represents one particular type of virtual machine to be deployed in one particular cloud provider and region/availability zone. It holds information about the price (per hour in this example), limits and whether it is a reserved (prepaid for a whole reservation period) or on-demand (pay-per-use).


region1 = LimitingSet("r1", name="us.east", max_vms=20)
zone1 =  LimitingSet("r1_z1", name="us.east_a", max_vms=20)
m3large_z1 = InstanceClass(
    "m3large_r1_z1", name="reserved m3.large in us.east_a",
    limiting_sets=(zone1,), is_reserved=True,
    price=7, time_unit="h", max_vms=20)
m4xlarge_r1 = InstanceClass(
    "m4xlarge_r1", name="ondemand m4.xlarge in us.east",
    limiting_sets=(region1,), is_reserved=False,
    price=10, time_unit="h", max_vms=10)
Show/hide YAML version
  - &r1
    id: r1
    name: us.east
    max_vms: 20
  - &r1_z1
    id: r1_z1
    name: us.east_a
    max_vms: 20

  - &m3large_z1
    id: m3large_z1
    name: reserved m3.large in us.east_a
    limiting_sets: [*r1_z1]
    is_reserved: true
    price: 7
    time_unit: h
    max_vms: 20
  - &m4xlarge_r1
    id: m4xlarge_r1
    name: ondemand m4.xlarge in us.east
    limiting_sets: [*r1]
    is_reserved: false
    price: 10
    time_unit: h
    max_vms: 10

Note that in Python the name of the variables which store the data are not required to be the same than the internal id given to the corresponding objects. For example, the first region has the id “r1”, while the python variable is called region1. However, it is the name of the python variable what is used later to relate a particular InstanceClass with a previously created LimitingSet. Also note that, since the limiting_sets field must contain a tuple, the weird syntax (zone1,) has to be used when that tuple has a single element. Without the comma inside the parenthesis, python would not parse correctly the value as a tuple.

In the YAML format, however, each object has an “anchor”, prefixed by & (e.g.: &r1) which is used later to refer to that particular object when it is used as part of other objects (*r1 inside the instance class). In YAML, the names of the python variables are irrelevant, and the ids are used instead to create those anchors and to refer to them.


Each instance class gives a different performance for each possible application. These numbers are assumed to be known (found by benchmarking or monitoring), and given by the analyst. To specify this information Malloovia provides two additional classes:

  • App declares one application, consisting simply in a unique id and a user-friendly name.
  • PerformanceValues stores the performance of each pair (app, instance_class), from a python dictionary whose keys are the instance classes, containing nested dictionaries whose keys are the apps.
  • PerformanceSet gives a unique id to a particular case of PerformanceValues, and makes explicit the time unit used (hours in this example).


app0 = App("a0", "Web server")
app1 = App("a1", "Database")
performances = PerformanceSet(
        m3large_z1: {app0: 12, app1: 500},
        m4xlarge_r1: {app0: 44, app1: 1800}
Show/hide YAML version
- &a0
  id: a0
  name: Web server
- &a1
  id: a1
  name: Database

- &example_perfs
  id: example_perfs
  time_unit: h
  - instance_class: *m3large_z1
    app: *a0
    value: 12
  - instance_class: *m3large_z1
    app: *a1
    value: 500
  - instance_class: *m4xlarge_r1
    app: *a0
    value: 44
  - instance_class: *m4xlarge_r1
    app: *a1
    value: 1800

Workload specification

Malloovia deals with different applications, each one characterized by its own workload. The solving algorithm requires a prediction of the workload for each application. For Phase I, a long-term workload prediction (LTWP) is required, which contains the expected workload for each timeslot for the whole reservation period. For Phase II, a short-term workload prediction (STWP) is required, which contains the expected workload for the next timeslot only. However, malloovia can also perform a simulation of phase II over an arbitrary number of timeslots, if a list of STWP is given.

In order to store either the LTWP, or a single-timeslot STWP, or a list of STWP for any number of timeslots (to simulate Phase II), the class Workload is provided.

  • A Workload object contains a sequence of numbers (which can be a single one), which is either the LTWP or a series of STWP, and the time unit used (i.e: what is the length of the timeslot, which is one hour in this example). It also contains the reference to the application related to that workload, a unique id and a short description.


# Long term workload prediction of each app, for Phase I
# Note that all workloads for all apps must use the same time_unit
ltwp_app0 = Workload(
    "ltwp0", description="rph to the web server", app=app0,
    values=(201, 203, 180, 220, 190, 211, 199, 204, 500, 200)
ltwp_app1 = Workload(
    "ltwp1", description="rph to the database", app=app1,
    values=(2010, 2035, 1807, 2202, 1910, 2110, 1985, 2033, 5050, 1992)
Show/hide YAML version
  - &ltwp0
    id: ltwp0
    description: rph to the web server
    time_unit: h
    values: [201, 203, 180, 220, 190, 211, 199, 204, 500, 200]
    app: *a0
  - &ltwp1
    id: ltwp1
    description: rph to the database
    time_unit: h
    values: [2010, 2035, 1807, 2202, 1910, 2110, 1985, 2033, 5050, 1992]
    app: *a1

Building the problem

Once all infrastructure, performances and workload prediction are defined, they are grouped in a Problem.

  • Problem is the object which groups all the above, i.e: the list of instance classes, the performance values, and the workload predictions, which are used as the input of Malloovia’s algorithm.


problem = Problem(
    name="Example problem",
    workloads=(ltwp_app0, ltwp_app1),
    instance_classes=(m3large_z1, m4xlarge_r1),
Show/hide YAML version
  - &example1
    id: example1
    name: Example problem
    workloads: [*ltwp0, *ltwp1]
    instance_classes: [*m3large_z1, *m4xlarge_r1]
    performances: *example_perfs
    description: Nondescript

This completes the problem definition. If all above code snippets are pasted in a single file, the result will be a valid Python program (or a valid YAML file in the case of YAML snippets), ready to be solved by Malloovia.


Phase I

To solve phase I, the problem is expected to contain in the workloads field the LTWP. This usually means that the length of the values field in each workload is 8760, i.e. the number of hours in a year.

However, in order to keep the problem simple, we used a workload containing only 10 values. This is also accepted by Malloovia, and it is interpreted as the reservation period consisting on 10 timeslots. Malloovia does not make assumptions about the real-time length of one timeslot, but the length of the workload informs it about the number of timeslots in the reservation period.

To solve the problem:

phase_i_solution = PhaseI(problem).solve()

The time required to complete the solution depends on the length of the workloads, the number of different instance_classes, and the proximity of the optimal solution to the region/zone limits. It can be as fast as a few seconds, or as long as several hours (perhaps days).

You can influence the time in which the solution is found by passing a customized solver as parameter. For example:

phase_i_solution = PhaseI(problem).solve(solver=COIN(maxSeconds=30, fracGap=0.01))

You need to use from pulp import COIN for this to work, and also have COIN-OR cbc binary installed in your system (see installation for details). In this particular example we limit the solving time to 30 seconds, and set a “frac-gap” of 0.01, which means that the solver stops when the solution found is near (in a fraction of 0.01) to the best lower bound known. You can also pass the option threads=N to COIN(), to use N cores in your machine (in this case the maxSeconds time is the divided by the number of threads).

It may happen that no solution can be found, either because the problem is infeasible (the workload prediction cannot be fulfilled without violating the system limits), or because the maxSeconds time was reached and no good solution was still found. The solution object contains information to determine if this was the case. See Inspecting the solution for details.

Phase II

Once phase I is solved, the optimal number of reserved instances found by the solver is used as input for phase II. Usually phase II is a new problem, which uses the same infrastructure and performances used in phase I, but a different workload prediction. The workload prediction for phase II can use different time units than the ones used in phase I. It is possible for example to have a LTWP per hour, and a STWP per minute.

It is possible to instantiate a PhaseII and then use it to solve a single timeslot, for example, assume that we predict that the next timeslot (hour) will have a workload of 315 rph for app0, and 1950 rph for app1. The following snippet shows how to find the optimal allocation for such a timeslot:

phase_ii = PhaseII(problem, phase_i_solution)
timeslot_solution = phase_ii.solve_timeslot(
    workloads=(Workload("stwp0", app=app0, description=None, time_unit="h", values=(315,)),
               Workload("stwp1", app=app1, description=None, time_unit="h", values=(1950,))

When used this way, the values stored in problem.workloads are not used in this phase, and instead the workloads passed to solve_timeslot() are used. Note that in this case each values field is a tuple with a single element (if more elements were present, only the first one would be used).

For simulation purposes, PhaseII provides also a .solve_period() method, which can be called in two different ways:

Without arguments

In this case it will use the values stored in problem.workloads as a sequence of several STWP, and will iterate over them, solving a timeslot for each element. If the problem passed to the constructor is the same than the one used in Phase I, this would mean that the LTWP was perfect, and the STWP is identical to the LTWP. This is of course an unreasonable scenario, but can be used to test that Phase II provides the same optimal cost than Phase I for this case.


phase_ii = PhaseII(problem, phase_i_solution)
period_solution = phase_ii.solve_period()

With predictor argument

A predictor is a generator which yields a tuple of workloads each time it is called, and that tuple is used to solve a single timeslot. PhaseII.solve_period() will iterate over that generator until it is exhausted. In this case the values stored in problem.workloads are not used, being replaced by the values provided by the predictor.

Malloovia provides a dumb predictor, useful for simulation purposes, called OmniscientSTWPredictor which receives as parameter of its constructor a sequence of workloads, like the one stored in problem for phase I, and returns one tuple at a time when iterated. This can be used to provide different STWP to the same problem. For example:

phase_ii = PhaseII(problem, phase_i_solution)
predictor = OmniscientSTWPredictor((
        "stwp0", description="rph to the web server", app=app0,
        values=(221, 190, 210, 240, 180, 150, 505, 200, 250, 180),
        "stwp1", description="rph to the database", app=app1,
        values=(2215, 1904, 2100, 2410, 1802, 1504, 5070, 1990, 2510, 1805),
period_solution = phase_ii.solve_period(predictor)

Inspecting the solution
