Source code for malloovia.phases

"""Module providing high level PhaseI and PhaseII classes which drive the solver"""
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, Sequence, Optional
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from pulp import PulpSolverError  # type: ignore

from .lpsolver import MallooviaLp, MallooviaLpMaximizeTimeslotPerformance
from .solution_model import (
from .model import System, Problem, Workload, system_from_problem, check_valid_problem

# Phase I
[docs]class PhaseI: """Interface to the solver for the PhaseI of the method. Usage:: phase_i = PhaseI(problem) solution = phase_i.solve() """ def __init__(self, problem: Problem) -> None: """Constructor. Args: problem: the problem (instances, performances and workload per app) to solve. Raises: ValueError: if the problem stores inconsistent information. """ self.problem = check_valid_problem(problem) self.__solution: Optional[SolutionI] = None self.__full_solution = None self._malloovia_lp: Optional[MallooviaLp] = None self.solving_stats = None
[docs] def solve( self, gcd: bool = True, solver: Any = None, relaxed: bool = False ) -> SolutionI: """Creates Malloovia's LP problem, solves it, and returns the solution. Args: gcd: boolean to denote if quantization using GCD should be used solver: optional Pulp solver. It can have custom arguments, such as fracGap and maxSeconds. relaxed: boolean; if True, the problem uses continuous variables instead of integer ones. Returns: The solution of the problem, which includes solving_stats, reserved_allocation and (full) allocation. """ # First creates the problem, then solves it creation_time, self._malloovia_lp = _create_problem( system=system_from_problem(self.problem), workloads=self.problem.workloads, relaxed=relaxed, ) solving_time, malloovia_stats = _solve_problem( self._malloovia_lp, gcd=gcd, solver=solver ) # Retrieve the solution and store it in a private property allocation = None reserved_allocation = None optimal_cost = None if malloovia_stats.status == Status.optimal: allocation = self._malloovia_lp.get_allocation() reserved_allocation = self._malloovia_lp.get_reserved_allocation() optimal_cost = self._malloovia_lp.get_cost() solving_stats = SolvingStats( algorithm=malloovia_stats, creation_time=creation_time, solving_time=solving_time, optimal_cost=optimal_cost, ) self.__solution = SolutionI( id="solution_i_{}".format(, problem=self.problem, solving_stats=solving_stats, reserved_allocation=reserved_allocation, allocation=allocation, ) return self.__solution
@property def solution(self): """Stored solution of the problem (type :class:`SolutionI`). It is None if the problem has not been yet solved.""" return self.__solution
############################################################################### # Phase II ###############################################################################
[docs]class STWPredictor( """Abstract base class for short-term workload predictors""" # It is abstract because it does not implements __iter__ # Any attempt to instantiate this class will produce a run-time error pass
[docs]class OmniscientSTWPredictor( STWPredictor ): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods """Concrete implementation of STWP_Predictor which knows in advance the STWP for all timeslots in the future. Implements the iterable interface and when looping over it, it returns one tuple at a time, whose elements are :class:`Workload` whose ``values`` have a length of 1 (the workload for the next timeslot). """ def __init__(self, stwp: Tuple[Workload, ...]) -> None: """Constructor. Args: stwp: Tuple of :class:`Workload` objects, one per app. Each workload contains in the field ``values`` a sequence of predicted workloads for the whole reservation period. Raises: ValueError: if the lengths of the workloads do not match. """ self.stwp = stwp self.timeslots = len(stwp[0].values) if not all(len(w.values) == self.timeslots for w in stwp): raise ValueError("All workloads should have the same length") def __iter__(self): return ( # Generator expression tuple( Workload( id=None, description=None, values=(w.values[i],), time_unit=w.time_unit,, ) for w in self.stwp ) for i in range(self.timeslots) )
[docs]class PhaseII: """Solves phase II, either for a single timeslot or for the whole reservation period. This class is used for solving Phase II. It receives in the constructor (see below) a problem and a solution for Phase I already computed, which contains the allocation for the reserved instances. It provides the methods :func:`self.solve_timeslot()` to solve a single timeslot, and :func:`self.solve_period()` to solve the whole reservation period by iteratively solving each timeslot. """ def __init__( self, problem: Problem, phase_i_solution: SolutionI, solver: Any = None, reuse_rsv: bool = True, ) -> None: """Constructor. Args: problem: the problem to solve, usually the same used in Phase I, but it can be different as long as it contains references to the same apps and reserved instance classes. phase_i_solution: the solution returned by Phase I solver: optional Pulp solver. It can have custom arguments, such as fracGap and maxSeconds. reuse_rsv: boolean indicating if reserved instances that were assigned in phase I to an application can be reused for another application. """ if phase_i_solution.solving_stats.algorithm.status != Status.optimal: raise ValueError("phase_i_solution passed to PhaseII is not optimal") self.problem = problem self.phase_i_solution = phase_i_solution self.solver = solver self.reuse_rsv = reuse_rsv # Hash table with the already computed solutions for each workload level # initially empty self._solutions: Dict[ Tuple[System, Sequence[Workload]], SolutionI ] = OrderedDict() # Internal handle to the inner malloovia LP solver self._malloovia_lp = None
[docs] def solve_timeslot( self, workloads: Sequence[Workload], system: System = None, solver: Any = None ) -> SolutionI: """Solve one timeslot of phase II for the workload received. The solution is stored in the field 'self._solutions' using the pairs (system, workloads) as keys. If a solution for that key is already present, the same solution is returned. Args: workloads: tuple with one Workload per app. Only the first value in the ``values`` field of each workload is used, as the prediction for the timeslot to solve. system: the part of the problem which does not depend on the workload. If ``None``, the system will be extracted from ``self.problem``. solver: Pulp solver. It can have custom arguments, such as fracGap and maxSeconds. Returns: The solution for that timeslot, stored in a :class:`SolutionI` object. """ if system is None: system = system_from_problem(self.problem) if (system, workloads) in self._solutions: # This workload was already solved. Nothing to be done return self._solutions[system, workloads] if not self.reuse_rsv: raise NotImplementedError("Solving without reuse is not implemented") if solver is None: # default to class solver solver = self.solver # Instantiate problem creation_time, malloovia_lp = _create_problem( system=system, workloads=workloads, preallocation=self.phase_i_solution.reserved_allocation, relaxed=False, ) solving_time, malloovia_stats = _solve_problem( malloovia_lp, gcd=False, solver=solver ) # Retrieve the solution and store it in a private property allocation = None optimal_cost = None if malloovia_stats.status == Status.optimal: allocation = malloovia_lp.get_allocation() optimal_cost = malloovia_lp.get_cost() else: sol = _solve_dual_problem( system=system, workloads=workloads, preallocation=self.phase_i_solution.reserved_allocation, solver=solver, ) creation_time += sol.solving_stats.creation_time solving_time += sol.solving_stats.solving_time if sol.solving_stats.algorithm.status == Status.optimal: malloovia_stats = malloovia_stats._replace(status=Status.overfull) else: malloovia_stats = malloovia_stats._replace( status=sol.solving_stats.algorithm.status ) optimal_cost = sol.solving_stats.optimal_cost allocation = sol.allocation solving_stats = SolvingStats( algorithm=malloovia_stats, creation_time=creation_time, solving_time=solving_time, optimal_cost=optimal_cost, ) valid_id = "sol_for_{}".format("_".join(str(wl.values[0]) for wl in workloads)) self._solutions[system, workloads] = SolutionI( id=valid_id, problem=self.problem, solving_stats=solving_stats, reserved_allocation=self.phase_i_solution.reserved_allocation, allocation=allocation, ) return self._solutions[system, workloads]
[docs] def solve_period(self, predictor: STWPredictor = None) -> SolutionII: """Solves the complete reserved period by iteratively solving each timeslot. Args: predictor: a generator which yields one prediction tuple per timeslot. If ``None``, a default :class:`OmniscientSTWPredictor` is instantiated which iterates over the Problem.workloads values. Returns: The global solution for phase II, which contains the allocation for each timeslot and SolvingStats for each timeslot. """ system = system_from_problem(self.problem) if predictor is None: predictor = OmniscientSTWPredictor(self.problem.workloads) solutions = [] for workloads in predictor: solutions.append(self.solve_timeslot(system=system, workloads=workloads)) return self._aggregate_solutions(solutions)
def _aggregate_solutions(self, solutions): """Build a SolutionII object from the data in the _solutions attribute. It has to convert the dictionary of Solutions for each load level into a single solution which will contain a list of stats (per time slot) plus a AllocationInfo with allocations per time slot. """ if all(s.solving_stats.algorithm.status == Status.optimal for s in solutions): global_status = Status.optimal elif any( s.solving_stats.algorithm.status == Status.infeasible for s in solutions ): global_status = Status.infeasible elif any( s.solving_stats.algorithm.status == Status.overfull for s in solutions ): global_status = Status.overfull else: global_status = Status.unknown global_solving_stats = GlobalSolvingStats( creation_time=sum(s.solving_stats.creation_time for s in solutions), solving_time=sum(s.solving_stats.solving_time for s in solutions), optimal_cost=sum(s.solving_stats.optimal_cost for s in solutions), status=global_status, ) allocation = AllocationInfo( apps=solutions[0].allocation.apps, instance_classes=solutions[0].allocation.instance_classes, workload_tuples=[s.allocation.workload_tuples[0] for s in solutions], repeats=[1] * len(solutions), values=tuple(s.allocation.values[0] for s in solutions), units="vms", ) return SolutionII( id="solution_phase_ii_{}".format(, problem=self.problem, solving_stats=[s.solving_stats for s in solutions], previous_phase=self.phase_i_solution, global_solving_stats=global_solving_stats, allocation=allocation, )
[docs]class PhaseIIGuided(PhaseII): """Extends :class:`PhaseII` class to override the :func:`self.solve_timeslot()` method, to allow it to receive a `preallocation` parameter which enforces some minimum number of on-demand instances and a fixed number of reserved instances. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._solutions: Dict[ Tuple[System, ReservedAllocation, Sequence[Workload]], SolutionI ] = OrderedDict()
[docs] def solve_timeslot( self, workloads: Sequence[Workload], system: System = None, solver: Any = None, preallocation: ReservedAllocation = None, ): """Solve one timeslot of phase II for the workload received. The solution is stored in the field 'self._solutions' using the tuples (system, preallocation, workloads) as keys. If a solution for that key is already present, the same solution is returned. Args: workloads: tuple with one Workload per app. Only the first value in the ``values`` field of each workload is used, as the prediction for the timeslot to solve. system: the part of the problem which does not depend on the workload. If ``None``, the system will be extracted from ``self.problem``. solver: Pulp solver. It can have custom arguments, such as fracGap and maxSeconds. preallocation: allocation for a minimum number of on-demand instances, to keep active from previous timeslots. An external driver should compute these numbers and pass them to the solver through this parameter. Returns: The solution for that timeslot, stored in a :class:`SolutionI` object. """ if system is None: system = system_from_problem(self.problem) if preallocation is None: preallocation = self.phase_i_solution.reserved_allocation else: res_alloc = self.phase_i_solution.reserved_allocation res_ics = res_alloc.instance_classes res_vms_number = res_alloc.vms_number preallocation = ReservedAllocation( instance_classes=res_ics + preallocation.instance_classes, vms_number=res_vms_number + preallocation.vms_number, ) if (system, preallocation, workloads) in self._solutions: # This workload was already solved. Nothing to be done return self._solutions[system, preallocation, workloads] if not self.reuse_rsv: raise NotImplementedError("Solving without reuse is not implemented") if solver is None: # default to class solver solver = self.solver # Instantiate problem creation_time, malloovia_lp = _create_problem( system=system, workloads=workloads, preallocation=preallocation, relaxed=False, ) solving_time, malloovia_stats = _solve_problem( malloovia_lp, gcd=False, solver=solver ) # Retrieve the solution and store it in a private property allocation = None optimal_cost = None if malloovia_stats.status == Status.optimal: allocation = malloovia_lp.get_allocation() optimal_cost = malloovia_lp.get_cost() else: sol = _solve_dual_problem( system=system, workloads=workloads, preallocation=preallocation, solver=solver, ) creation_time += sol.solving_stats.creation_time solving_time += sol.solving_stats.solving_time if sol.solving_stats.algorithm.status == Status.optimal: malloovia_stats = malloovia_stats._replace(status=Status.overfull) else: malloovia_stats = malloovia_stats._replace( status=sol.solving_stats.algorithm.status ) optimal_cost = sol.solving_stats.optimal_cost allocation = sol.allocation solving_stats = SolvingStats( algorithm=malloovia_stats, creation_time=creation_time, solving_time=solving_time, optimal_cost=optimal_cost, ) valid_id = "sol_for_{}".format("_".join(str(wl.values[0]) for wl in workloads)) self._solutions[system, preallocation, workloads] = SolutionI( id=valid_id, problem=self.problem, solving_stats=solving_stats, reserved_allocation=preallocation, allocation=allocation, ) return self._solutions[system, preallocation, workloads]
def _solve_dual_problem( system: System, workloads: Sequence[Workload], preallocation: Optional[ReservedAllocation], solver: Any = None, ) -> SolutionI: """Uses MallooviaLpMaximizeTimeslotPerformance to solve the dual problem Args: system: infrastructure, apps and performance of the system workloads: list of workloads, one per app preallocation: allocation for reserved instances, from phase I, or None Returns: A :class:`SolutionI` object with the solution which maximizes performance in the timeslot. """ malloovia_lp = MallooviaLpMaximizeTimeslotPerformance( system=system, workloads=workloads, preallocation=preallocation, relaxed=False, # TODO: Allow for relaxed in PhaseII? ) start = time.perf_counter() malloovia_lp.create_problem() creation_time = time.perf_counter() - start solving_time, malloovia_stats = _solve_problem( malloovia_lp=malloovia_lp, gcd=False, solver=solver ) allocation = malloovia_lp.get_allocation() optimal_cost = malloovia_lp.get_cost() solving_stats = SolvingStats( algorithm=malloovia_stats, creation_time=creation_time, solving_time=solving_time, optimal_cost=optimal_cost, ) return SolutionI( id=None, problem=None, solving_stats=solving_stats, reserved_allocation=None, allocation=allocation, ) # Functions which interface with lpSolver.MallooviaLp to create and solve the problem def _create_problem( system: System, workloads: Sequence[Workload], preallocation: ReservedAllocation = None, relaxed: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[float, MallooviaLp]: """Instantiates MallooviaLp class with the problem definition, and calls :func:`MallooviaLp.create_problem()`. Args: system: infrastructure, apps and performance of the system workloads: list of workloads, one per app preallocation: allocation for reserved instances, from phase I, or None relaxed: whether the problem has to be created relaxed or integer. Returns: The time required to create the problem, and the instance of MallooviaLp with the problem already created. """ # Instantiate LP problem _malloovia_lp = MallooviaLp( system=system, workloads=workloads, preallocation=preallocation, relaxed=relaxed ) # Write the LP problem and measure the time required to create it start = time.perf_counter() _malloovia_lp.create_problem() creation_time = time.perf_counter() - start return creation_time, _malloovia_lp def _solve_problem( malloovia_lp: MallooviaLp, gcd: bool, solver: Any ) -> Tuple[float, MallooviaStats]: """Calls :func:`MallooviaLp.solve()` and retrieves statistics from the solver. Args: malloovia_lp: instance of MallooviaLp problem to solve (must be already created) gcd: whether the problem has to be solved with GCD method or not. solver: the PuLP solver to be used by MallooviaLp. Returns: The time required to create the problem, and the statistics from the solver.""" # TODO: decide how to handle gcd status = Status.unknown lower_bound = None # Prepare solver if solver is None: frac_gap = None max_seconds = None else: frac_gap = solver.fracGap max_seconds = solver.maxSeconds # Solve the problem and measure the time required start = time.perf_counter() try: malloovia_lp.solve(solver, use_mps=False) except PulpSolverError as exception: end = time.perf_counter() solving_time = end - start status = Status.cbc_error print( "Exception PulpSolverError. Time to failure: {} seconds\n".format( solving_time ), exception, ) else: # No exceptions end = time.perf_counter() solving_time = end - start status = pulp_to_malloovia_status(malloovia_lp.pulp_problem.status) if status == Status.aborted: lower_bound = malloovia_lp.pulp_problem.bestBound malloovia_stats = MallooviaStats( gcd=gcd, frac_gap=frac_gap, max_seconds=max_seconds, status=status, lower_bound=lower_bound, ) return solving_time, malloovia_stats __all__ = [ "PhaseI", "PhaseII", "PhaseIIGuided", "STWPredictor", "OmniscientSTWPredictor", ]